Sirja-Liisa Eelma "There is nothing"

Exhibition opening at the Draakoni Galerii 21-08-12

Sirja-Liisa Eelma 

"There is nothing"

From the exhibiton info sheet:
"Nine years ago the artist concentrated on the possible expectations and fears related to a hidden, presentimental object; while at the present exhitbion she interpreting hiddenness that invovles anticipation: ,,There exists a moment that precedes everything that is about to happen  . whether it be an insignificant incident, a funny coincidence , or a failure that has been planned ahead. Before every act and incidence, there is an instant, a split second, during which nothing is yet happening. It is a moment where everything is still "behind the curtain" . There is nothing. It's a miraculous moment that lets us believe that everything is possible. ON the other hand, this is a bursting illusion gradually reaching self-satiation, exploding into air like a torpedo, and spreading curiosity and anxiety around. Itäs a place where one arrives and has to start from the beginning in order to put one's world together. "

I like some of this artist's work, not all. However, the pictures in this show strike me immediately as a tangent to my own work. I have thought about the same thing (I have googled for pictures of curtains, but found mostly stockphotos - and the other day I was thinking of filming the curtains of changing rooms in clothing store). I have thought about it whilst holding an envelope in my hands, thinking: As long as this envelope remains unopened, my reality maintains two opposite possibilities, a yes and a no. For now, these are equally possible. As soon as I have opened this envelope and read its content, not only will my reality have conformed to one of these possibilities, but this instant of openness will be proven false in retrospect. Then there will only be the knowledge that this was the content the whole time, and that the feeling  that "anything can happen" was always an illusion.  
