Rikke Benborg (DK) - Opening Candyland 7/9

Electric Palace
Rikke Benborg (DK) - Opening Candyland 7/9

This on the other hand is an example how party and exhibition can function together, mutually supporting. Well. 

A tinge of alcohol - no - a tinge of intoxication - can deepen the effect of good art? When in the right setting?

The exhibition space walls (floor is dark) are covered in ..black glittery wallpaper? Like rough sandpaper but so glittery (maybe it is sandpaper). Amazing. If anything I would be disturbed by how amazed I am by the wallpaper alone...Cut out screens (very nicely installed room in a room with all round projections from the backside) flatscreens and other. Beautiful videos in black and white, animation, mixed poetry. I guess I fall for the semifairytalish ( here mixed pantomime) darkness, sadness. Like a sad clownsface. The ego, the other, the I falling to pieces, cutouts and puppetmasters becoming puppets white strings against black background. 

Very nice.

