on IRONY/ Opinions are a thing of the past -------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

A man I met on a party said to me yesterday that
(...well well, are they now, not on this website...but maybe then I am a thing of the past...)


Brief notes relating to this (subway scribbles on the inside of some book:
Why do I like Wing's singing? (well.. it isnt that I find it good....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovEASuIqVbY )
What  the ironic class craves are the products of someone elses naive care and will to respond in a somewhat serious way to whatever goes on around them. To want and to care and to produce is a less developed state. The ironic detachment indicates superiority in conceptual understanding and rational development. Opinions are a thing of the past. Instead, the individuals of the ironic class facilitate the opinions of others - they make art like this, and culture and money.  Television shows, reality shows, radio shows, political debates, artworks, music - its not about making something new instead sampling, collecting, arranging,  presenting, moderating, distributing,  CURATion

Note; I read a critique recently that Google,Youtube, FB essentially earn a bunch of money on advertising and market research and this and that because we use Google, and Youtube to read and watch things produced by people who might never get paid a dime for their work. Its clear that the production side of things is out of fashion.  

As a producer its much harder to just stop doing something something as soon as it isn't the coolest thing anymore. As a producer its about continuity, to do your thing and to get good at it. But to stay ahead of the wave you need flexibility, constant update and then its better to be the facilitator... you get all the cool by association - YOU FOUND THIS ARTIST, YOU FOUND THIS CRAZY ECCENTRIC for your Documentary, YOU HOST THe SHOW WHERE PEOPLE CAN SHOUT THEIR OPINIONS OUT. But you are above it. Opinions are a thing of the past.

And then it comes back, as enter/info-tainment and the ironic creative apolitical non-engaged class consume someone elses life force becuase they are dead inside. They facilitate the performance, watch someone else perform, and watch with jelousy and disgust and incredulity.
Oh and I think I am one of them....


article is by -->By CHRISTY WAMPOLE