on IRONY/ Opinions are a thing of the past -------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

A man I met on a party said to me yesterday that
(...well well, are they now, not on this website...but maybe then I am a thing of the past...)


Brief notes relating to this (subway scribbles on the inside of some book:
Why do I like Wing's singing? (well.. it isnt that I find it good....
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovEASuIqVbY )
What  the ironic class craves are the products of someone elses naive care and will to respond in a somewhat serious way to whatever goes on around them. To want and to care and to produce is a less developed state. The ironic detachment indicates superiority in conceptual understanding and rational development. Opinions are a thing of the past. Instead, the individuals of the ironic class facilitate the opinions of others - they make art like this, and culture and money.  Television shows, reality shows, radio shows, political debates, artworks, music - its not about making something new instead sampling, collecting, arranging,  presenting, moderating, distributing,  CURATion

Note; I read a critique recently that Google,Youtube, FB essentially earn a bunch of money on advertising and market research and this and that because we use Google, and Youtube to read and watch things produced by people who might never get paid a dime for their work. Its clear that the production side of things is out of fashion.  

As a producer its much harder to just stop doing something something as soon as it isn't the coolest thing anymore. As a producer its about continuity, to do your thing and to get good at it. But to stay ahead of the wave you need flexibility, constant update and then its better to be the facilitator... you get all the cool by association - YOU FOUND THIS ARTIST, YOU FOUND THIS CRAZY ECCENTRIC for your Documentary, YOU HOST THe SHOW WHERE PEOPLE CAN SHOUT THEIR OPINIONS OUT. But you are above it. Opinions are a thing of the past.

And then it comes back, as enter/info-tainment and the ironic creative apolitical non-engaged class consume someone elses life force becuase they are dead inside. They facilitate the performance, watch someone else perform, and watch with jelousy and disgust and incredulity.
Oh and I think I am one of them....


article is by -->By CHRISTY WAMPOLE


PARTAY!! Arts B-day

Arts B-day on Södra Teatern in Stockholm
Notes for music - 
in-brackets-text is from Södra Teaterns website.... 

From Södra teaterns webpage (where the English version prooved to be somewhat incomplete)
den tyska electronica-stjärnan Olaf Bender som är en av grundarna till en av 00-talets mest i
nflytelserika etiketter inom den elektroniska musiken – Raster-Noton. Byetone live är en hypnotisk upplevelse där musiken i första hand ska trigga lusten att dansa. Det visuella är en viktig del av framträdandet och avsett att via näthinnan fördjupa den fysiska upplevelsen med rytmiska impulser av ljus och mörker."

I must say though that its awkward to listen to a hypnotic experience where the music in the first place is meant to make people want to dance (and that I think succeeded) in a room  where everybody is sitting. It feels like the sitting gesture somehow frames this as "art" rather than "music" or "performance" and it gave me the feeling that dancing or treating this as awesome music would come across as ...simpleminded. The containment - the being above the physical body and existing purely in the mind? - becomes an indicator of understanding this hypnotic experience intellectually, not physically.

"är kosmisk elektronisk krautdisco med ambienta element. Tentakel utgår från ett trumset och lägger sedan till samplers, loop-pedaler och synthar. Pontus Torstensson spelar till vardags trummor i Echodeck, Uran, Sork och Surreal Lovers."

I missed crazy many performances that I would have wanted to see - somewhere between negotiating the whole thing as a party, multiple spaces and simultaneous performances as well as the obvious  distractions of beer drinking and talking to friends instead of plotting and planning in regards to the programming. Well, well. In the end I cant have it all. 
this picture has nothing to do with the Tentakel himself, BUT he had an orange t-shirt and there were green lights

the day after....


ON the onGoing Catastrophy

On a previous note. What to call this.. "style"? Its awesome.


and Lings cars


Visually it connects to the Ryan Trecartin, Captain Credible, Petra Cortwright hysteria that I have been mentioning earlier - what is it with this (?) that feels so strangely….precise in its description (or rather existence within and mirroring) of contemporary culture.
Im gonna try to answer my own question but it will sound like crap:

It is hysteric yet poetic.
It is violent, abusive, vain
, post gender, post politics, post meaning.
It is the hype
r presence of the sign disconnect
ed from any significance.
Lots more, unlimited but less. 

I'm reading Baudrillard's Fatal Strategies right now (and since like half a year back..). Not being a philosopher or anything I can't lay claims on totally understanding or correctly interpreting what he's talking about but since this site is anonymous I can state my uneducated opinions anyway (yes I know this sounds defensive and I feel defensive). He talks about this stuff though:

"The transpolitical is also this: the passage from growth to excrescence, from finality to hypertely, from organic equillibria to cancerous metastases. This is the site of of a catastrophe and no longer of a crisis. Things rush into it at the rythm of a technology, including soft and psychedelic technologies, which drag us ever further away from any reality, any history, any destiny".  pg 46

And then, here somewhat out of context; "once it seemed to present itself as a revolution; today it ends up as special effects. And terrorism itself is only a gigantic special effect. However, this is not because no meaning is intended. Against the general transparence, terrorism wishes to call on things to regain their meaning again, but does no more than accelerate this sentence of death and indifference." pg 62-63.

ON Paris Hiltons Dog that will soon make an appearance in my work; Hi Doggie!
I think its extremely exciting to spend so much time and attention on something so ultimately trivial - Is this the artist way corresponding to a sad teenagers cutting up their arms? It feels like an insidious and sexy self-rape. Seductive for sure. Its a wilful and violent handover with the purpose of really proving that there truly aren't any boundaries to this state - the state of indifference, irony and pointlessness. Which is a point of liberation, because without meaning there is no boundaries. Anything is within reach. 


Stockholm, will go back to studio where I might have left my wallet (hopefully). 
Eat something first though.