The Chelsea Galleries: Parker (Rousseau), Ju, Wekua

Some inspiration from NY - The Chelsea Galleries

A bit late perhaps, but at least for archiving purposes. 

Lowres pics on my phone that will otherwise die without even 
entering the cybercemetery. Like all those papers, postcards, 
exhibit descriptions that after a year of floating around in my 
flat finally gets thrown in the garbage. I have a friend who 
keeps all of that stuff though - at least so she says...
-------Erik Parker: Bye bye Babylon at Paul Kasmin Gallery.   
Worth noting is that the colours in these quite larger paings were absolutely electric 
(you can't really see it in these photos). So toxic, and in the way the shadows are
 painted they are sometimes simulating a relation of objects and surfaces as 2D
 ( as a stageset built of flat painted boards) or 3D.  Theres an uncertainty created here -
 what is this place I am seeing - a toxic jungle, or a (toxic) stageset of a (toxic) jungle? 
Its cheerful and brutal and deceptive at the same time.

Henri Rousseau? Gone toxic - The difference between the beginning of 
the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century - the enemy 
as the violent other, or the enemy as a chemical distorsion, polution. 
In both cases seductive in spite of themselves.

I didnt however see Rousseau in NY. Just internet mindmapping.

 More chemistry, I assume its "IN".

 Mi Ju  Gaia at Freight + Volume
From the exhibtion text -
"The exhibtions's title Gaia refers to the Greek
earth mother goddess as well as the scientific 
Gaia Principle, proposing that all organisms and their 
inorganic surroundings on Earth are closely integrated 
to form a single and self-regulating complex system, 
to maintin the conditions of life on our planet 
(James Lovelock). Mi explores the significance of Gaia 
pictorially, as it relates to today's ecological challenges."

 And then, on a completely different, somehow, tangent.  
Andro Wekua Dreaming Dreaming on the Gladstone Gallery.  
This was really good, well for me/ in my opinion. 
The pieces didn't self-evidently fit. The crisp nakedness, anti-drama of the 
space and the way it was lit. Some paintings that I really didnt like as 
singular objects, but that made sense, although yeah, perhaps in the 
way indicated by the title: Dreaming dreaming. I could feel this show physically. 
An awkward feeling of unsettledness that cuts through reality (Yes!)

I think thats the most interesting stuff.

Premiere night sleeping over in my new studio
Stockholm 12-11-01