Mack Bishop - Shattered mirrors

So as far as I understand it Bishop is doing his MFA in Houston (I unfortunately can't remember the name of the academy right now). I was blown away by his work that was on display during our visit. 
These sculptures are made our of wood, paint and shattered mirror-glass. The texture blew me away completely with the thick, as my friend here would say it, gnarly, wood and the sharp glittery glass. Somehow Im imagining how this cold grow into a fictional people and place, small crazy people (se pics) and buildings and lore; dark, gnarly, cute and somewhat scary at the same time. Some of the work didnt come out well in my phone-photographs (and is therefore not included), but this is a mental note, I hope to see more in the future.


Wayne Gilbert and the dead people

Wayne Gilbert runs the G-Gallery in Houston, Texas. Whilst being at the gallery he invited to see his studio and artwork (the pictures below are cut-outs, not whole pieces). The sand-coloured areas are human ashes mixed with resin gel. It is strange what a large area you could cover with the ashes of one adult, who was cremated and left  - no one came to pick her or him up - at the funeral home (...I'd like to think they had already said their goodbyes). Anyhow. Seeing these works and knowing what they are made from made me remember an earlier discussion Ive had with myself: Concerning aura, or, whatever you'd prefer to call it;  the question being:

Would we have felt the presence of the dead (that is so intense once you know it) in Gilbert's work if we weren't told about it? Given a human scull and a perfect replica, would we be able to tell? Would we feel aura, the presence of the past, death and lives lived like our own? (This of course raises the question of what a "perfect" replica is, ie replicating texture, almost undetectable smells etc - since obviously, if we COULD tell a difference, it might be just because of that almost undetectable odour).

I guess I'd like to think that we could tell a difference. That its not only the knowledge about something that makes us react (and if so, do we react physically because of the knowledge, as a reaction, in the same way as "the brain can't tell the difference between an image of a coffecup and an actual coffeecup". Is this the same? Does the image of the coffeecup correspond to knowledge? The idea of the coffecup? The word "coffeecup" written on a paper?).

Holding an object, what do we react on? The surface? The texture? Does texture remind us of time? Weight? Smell? Because we DO react on objects! AND we definitely react to the knowledge about objects. Is it possible that in our culture we are becoming less capable of processing/understanding the physical information about the objects that our bodies provides us, or that we simply don't listen to it (because objects are abundant and disconnected with spiritual purposes?)? That we easier can grasp value through attached knowledge because of today's emphasis on rationalism?

I guess it still doesn't answer my question though.


Steve Minatra - the lampmaker

So on my first day here in Texas I was brought to visit this artist's studio; Steve Minatra. 

We were blown away as he pulled out one more crazy or beautiful creation after the other from underneath plastic sheeting and out of backrooms. All made from recycled material, and put together with different ingenious methods. These lamps are for sale, and cheap :)




I tried to link to a website but she seems to be one of those creatures who only lives in social media and Im not so social so I dont. 

Sunny and spring outside - will lunch now


2014 MARKET.

My general impression was little-too-much-nice-stuff-for-walls/ same-same-as-last-year/ ok-but-wheres-the-innovations-?.
I felt that, within the frame of what Market is, it could have been more.The change of venue, the lack of "opposition" from Supermarket, didn't do very much. Was it mostly the same artists as last year? Was it the athmosphere (its simply more interesting with events where you can sense that people are truly enjoying the works and the situation; this was not the case, yet I don't want to fall into the trap of saying that everything needs to be served in the form of populistic event)?. I don't know honestly, but it just didn't feel fresh and new.

Ernst Billgren (shown by Lars  Bohman gallery) has something special for sure.
(Im sorry it looks like crap - the photo -  but I get so self-conscious when photographing stuff in Lars Bohman. They make very clear that they are just a little bit better than everyone else, its stressful...)

GRRRR AARGH! /I just lost everything I just wrote, ie I was almost finished with this post.../
Rewriting: However. I guess to some degree I did the walk around Liljevalchs with a new set of eyes. I was looking for something specific, perhaps trends, perhaps a specific trend that I can (in a new way) correlate to my own work. This I found.
I was quite fascinted by the brutality of below work. Honestly, I find it quite ugly, like, everything about it, the colours, the forms, the materials, the combinations. It reminds me of German expressionistic woodcuts, and it has this feeling of intensity of feeling and body. There's nothing dislikeable about that in itself (although I was never very into German expressionism) but the way it comes through below I simply find it, well, ugly. But then there's two. The same piece x 2. And these pieces are quite large. That whole repetition somehow defies the spontaneity, and even the directness and brutality becomes like a cold thought-out choice. Strange this is, and interesting.

Steinar Haga Kristensen
Totaler Angst der Abstraktion #2 (Der SchliePmuskel funktionert nicht mehr #63), 2014
Johan Berggren Gallery

Also here, Im generally not so into paintings and pictures of "faces" (perhaps because Im not a people-person), I often think its dull and nothing I haven't seen before. Like fire and nudity, always fascinating, you have to look, but then too often the work simply ends there. These paintings I still found rather nice, the contrast (Im a fan of Manet also, the crisp contrast and large fields of very-darks and very-lights), and the simplicity and symbolic undertones from the removed mouth or eyes. It also reminds me somewhat of Chris Berens's figures
Rauha Mäkilä
Left: Alek, 2013
Middle: Mura, 2013
Right: Gerli, 2013
Helsinki Contemporary

The following works by Ian McKeever and Eduardo Terrazas, are notes for myself in relation to my own work. First, Ian McKeever (here I had to ignore the dull 1st page of his website, it was a bit disconcerting. Yet I found some pictures there that I like a lot, very inspiring, Ive posted some screen shots below. Anyone who knows my work will know why I like his work).
Ian McKeever
Eagduru 13, 2013
Galleri Susanne Ottesen

Ian McKeever from

Ian McKeever from

And here then, Eduardo Terrazzas. I think there is a trend going on right now concerning the awareness of material and involvement of texture. I can see this in fashion - since about 2 years back theres been a whole bunch of leathers, fake-leathers, furs, fake-furs, feathers, strange synthetics often black or white. Im not a fashion designer and have no idea about whats going on in that world, but I go shopping sometimes and have noted a trend. I think perhaps this is also happening in other places of the creative landscape ie in the arts. I am mysef drawn to texture and new materials that are experienced directly or indirectly through the sense or suggestion of touch. Because of this I probably SAW such works to another extent than what I otherwise would.  - It makes me think of something I heard a while ago; something suggesting that with global connection to the internet and almost instantaneous communication that connects many scenes and events into one unfolding "presence", the time factor is becoming obsolete. WHEN something happened isnt really a factor anymore, but WHERE it happened; NY, Shanghai, Venice etc. My stray thought had to do with presence as such. The physical presence of where, here, body, texture. Anyhow. Checked  out his website but I think Im more into the black and whites below.

Eduardo Terrazas

Below is another indication towards this texture-idea I was just talking about. 

Marika Mäkelä
Planet Garden, 2014
Galerie Anhava

That is alles. 


ON MONEY AND ART and a statement against the general Negative Nancy STATUS QUO


If I  can't exorcise I can perhaps at least create a distance between me and them - to keep my own head straight. I am convinced that thoughts, or thought patterns, are contagious, and I simply don't want to contract the disease. 
//During the weekend I had the opportunity to participate in a talk about ART and MONEY (a good old seemingly inexhaustible topic). Thankfully I took some things with me this time; as it so happened I had spent the previous evening with the moderator JWF contemplating the issues he wanted to bring forward. > His thesis (if taking the liberty) was basically that cultural workers/producers/activists constantly struggle with problems of funding. The word "funding" here suggests stipends, funding or support given by national or international government institutions. As a consequence of the recent economic crisis and a general shift towards a more neoliberal/ conservative/right-wing politics all over Europe, we should not expect there to be more funding in the future. On the contrary, we should prepare for there being less money. Thus we ought to look into new strategies - and he was specifically pointing towards (what I call) crazy artsy money making schemes. Basically; we are smart and creative - if the finance and tech people can do this, so can we. 

Just to keep track, we made a mind-map over some different strategies that are used today: 
- Popularized events with ie entry fees
- External sources (individual: freelancing/ part time jobs or collective: ie restaurants, mini-cinema etc)
- Funding: public/ corporate/ crowd-
- Crazy artsy money making scemes CAMMS like engaging with Bitcoin/ organized lottery/ stocks/ Robin Hood etc. 
We also looked at the arguments against/ potential obstacles: 
- Engaging with capitalism would suggest ethical compromises that might be contrary to the purpose of the artistic practise. 
- "We dont have the time or the money"
- Meritocracy: The system is a selection process, a "survival of the fittest". This suggest the assumptions that a) there are too many artists and cultural producers for what the society needs or can support, and b) that there are no other ways to evaluate and select good art than the juries of the public financing institutions
- That if we can fund our work in other ways the funding will be cut even more (aaarhg!)

In my opinion there are two major problems with the present status quo of relying mainly on government funding (because I would say that there is such a status quo; admitting to a part-time job is like admitting a major failure, and there is a strong assumption that the "thing you are" is based primarily on where the money comes from*).
The first problem is: VICTIMISATION: We do actually have the option to refuse the dependency to government funding and create new systems for financing our practises or art spaces. Perhaps this means that we must divide our time and engage more with the rest of society. For some reason many culture producers seem to prefer being dependent to considering the options (so in the end they just sitting on their ass complaining - haha, this is like a crash course in how to make enemies in the art scene..). Why? Is it because there is someone to blame? That its safer to be restricted by an outside institution than taking on the full responsibility for doing what is necessary to continue ones practise? 
1) If it is an ego issue it should definitely be overcome, 
2) And honestly, we already do divide our time, as friends, and lovers and parents and secret part-timers. 
3) And perhaps it would be good both for us and the rest of society if there were some more interfaces to meet. 
One can also ask the uncomfortable but relevant question why the the big population should pay for something that most often than not is produced by a group of culturally active people for the same group of culturally active people. One could also ask why we should produce stuff to support an enormous (art)market of relatively well-paid individuals whilst we still struggle to barely get by. In regards to these questions one could suggest different forms of internal markets/ exchanges/ alternative currencies - simply to keep the money within that small group of culturally active people who actually cares. It would be cool to discuss that with an economist. Anyhow. The situation as it is leads to the other major problem of: 

INDEBTMENT: The taxpayers expect something back for their money ie that we produce art that they can understand or are interested in. Honestly I don't think thats all that strange, but since I'm personally tired of explaining what I do to people who care little and know less, I simply prefer to make my own money. As soon as you get government funding you need to adapt to their guidelines and to some degree be responsive to people about what you do. 
Anyhow. The talk was only one hour (what do you manage to do in one hour?) and I doubt anything changed because of it. My friend JWF also said another thing that I find very true: 


Yes. Few people seem interested in refusing dependency to the government funding systems. Few people that I meet can talk about their parttime job without wanting to place guilt somewhere about the funding that ought to have been given to them. If they talk about their parttime job at all. More people are openly patronizing or snobbish to those other cultural activists who try to manage outside of the commercial systems. And all this is very tiring and ridiculous. So yes, this is my statement against the general Negative Nancy STATUS QUO. Dear cultural- and activist colleagues - Get over yourself, and your self righteous attitude and grandios idea of self worth, and just let yourself be entertained. Find new ways and strategies to fill the gaps where the current system doesn't work for you, and drop the judgemental crap about other peoples choices. Im sure we would all have more fun that way. 

* I have btw worked out my own definition after getting fed up with people asking me "if I live off my art practise" with a blasé smirk as if to say that I wouldn't be for real if I didn't. Basically I consider the answer to the question of "what are you" to be the activity around which you organize the rest of your life. In my case it is my art practise. For someone else it might be there career in politics or being a dad. 
Whatever you do to support yourself economically whilst doing that important thing is irrelevant. A person isn't necessarily a cleaner regardless of how many hours they spend cleaning. Etc. 



Ok so new reflections on this years Supermarket.

This year I have asked myself ”What is the purpose of Supermarket”? Its my understanding that Supermarket began, under the name of Minimarket, as a reaction to Market (the highbrow contemporary arts fair for commercial galleries held in Stockholm every spring). Where Market was highbrow and commercial, Mini/Supermarket was meant to be underground, chaotic (though participation was still subjected to a selection process) and focused on artist-run spaces.
But the question that I ask myself in Supermarket (and not so much in Market though maybe I should), is whether Supermarket is meant to show art to the art viewers/consumers or to function as a networking forum for the activists behind these spaces. It is unclear.
On one hand there are a series of meetings and talks to with the public is not invited. This supports the networking theory. On the other hand it is a fair open to the public, with galleries showing (some sort or other of) art to this public.
A person from one of the spaces said that he thought much of the work presented was pretty bad, and that as a forum it resembles Market quite a lot, since the art isnt very underground or alternative. Should it be? Wouldn’t that lead to a possible exclusion of many spaces if they dont fit into northern European standards for good and underground. But then, isn’t that an argument where, between the lines, we assume that many spaces from other places than Northern Europe don’t have art that qualifies as good and underground?

As it is the question is quite relevant: Is the purpose of Supermarket to show qualitative underground art or present underground(?) - artist-run – spaces (as an opposition to the commercial galleries in Market)? But then, is there such a difference between the artist-run spaces of Supermarket and the commercial galleries of Market if they show more or less the same type of work (except perhaps, often, the Supermarket works tend to be a bit less qualitative)? Because if there is no real opposition, then that person with whom I was talking was right; Supermarket needs its own …well the ”BRAND OUTLET” or something. Archenemy. Or it needs to ”ömsa skinn”, transform itself. Become anew that place where an opposition (to what?) is formulated.
So perhaps that is the question with which I should concern myself: What type of opposition (and to what?) is needed no, what are the conflict, opinion- and dividing lines of the contemporary artscene?

Of course Ive seen/felt some stuff that is worth remembering:

Platform Vaasa had project that felt both relevant, acute and adequate for this setting (and that would never, in that form, get into Market).  

At the Supermarket Art Fair, Platform hosts a participatory installation/performance entitled ‘The climate change concern studio’ by Swedish artist Patrik Qvist. He started working with the project during his stay at Platform’s residency in spring 2013.

I identify as D. Where do you find yourself?
I guess personally I just find it really fascinating when someone clears the dust from the discussion to actually find out (as mentioned before) where the dividing lines are. I think this is necessary for a productive and constructive discussion about how to drive change, and if, why and what change that ought to be. 
After deciding what corner you find yourself in you could photograph yourself with a cardboard sign saying something related (I never got a full look-through of the options). This here is the background. 

The photographs were then placed on the wall (and you got your own copy of course). According the person that I talked to from this art space, the idea of the photos were placed was purely aesthetical. This is the only thing I was disappointed by in the work - its started out attempting to crystallize out some actual differences in how we position ourselves to a possibly very serious problem, but it ended with simply representing these differences as a flat mass of "individuals". That was a bit boring. It would have been way more polemic, challenging and interesting to group the photographs in accordance to the opinions expressed. (Why do get the feeling it would be more challenging? I mean, people are already being public with their opinion so its not like grouping them would really show something that isn't already there(...). Yet the opinions seem more exposed somehow if the photos are grouped, it makes it impossible to "hide in the mass". Which I think would be more interesting).

Anyhow, it was cool, and pretty. 

Other stuff. 
I talked for a while with a guy from OEI with the innocent purpose to figure out what they do (since we sit in the same building in the Stockholm). I figured out as much as they being some sort of publishing house with focus on poetry-theory-text-art sort of. They make these really dense barely readable books that Ive always sort of liked as objects but never really figured out how to approach. Anyhow. I bought a book there. It was the smallest book that they had, and it totally made my day. It makes me truly happy and full of crazy thought and wonder. My best regards to the author Ulf Karl Olov Nilsson. The title of the book is "?" (unfortunately thereby sharing aesthetic with "Vad är konst?" (Ernst Billgren) etc book series. 

My translation: 

"Please, can't you say anything about love?"/ "Please, couldn't you tell me whatever about love?"

"Please, isn't it time to say something positive?"

"Oh, how do I know if a pin has fallen?"

"Isn't it unnecessarily thick asfalt in this spot?"

"In what way is every statement a question?"

"In what way are all breaths alike" (barely possible to translate that one, my excuses....)

"In what way am I doing right?"

"In what way does misfortune exist before it happens?"

"If you take away all sounds, one after another, will it be quiet then?"

"If you treat someone with respect, are you then guaranteed to be treated respectfully in return?"

"If you say sårbar (transl. vulnerable) quickly several times - what is it then?"

"If you need your drivers license now, then why do you behave the way you do right now?"

....and so on and so forth. Amazing. 


Anyhow. That'll be enough for now. 

Vanna Bowles

This is just a note about an interesting artist.  She will show in Lars Bohman during the spring 2014. It looks very poetic. Im impressed by the combination of 2d and 3d, that she seemingly seems to pull of.



Found this guy through some event on FB.
Love his work. Im thinking about Malevich and the suprematist series (and judging from the pictures so does Mr Chardon...). 


From WIKI 14.01.25
Suprematism (Russian: Супремати́зм) was an art movement, focused on basic geometric forms, such as circles, squares, lines, and rectangles, painted in a limited range of colors. It was founded by Kazimir Malevich in Russia, around 1913, and announced in Malevich's 1915 exhibition in St. Petersburg where he exhibited 36 works in a similar style.[1] The term suprematism refers to an abstract art based upon “the supremacy of pure artistic feeling” rather than on visual depiction of objects.[2]
