SICKNESS - pandemic outbreak thoughts on the rupture of everyday reality

Do you think,
that during your life-time, you will experience a virus/ bacterial outbreak to the extent that you will choose to stay home, to stock up on food?
It is interesting - well, it has not previously been part of my reality - my mother says she doesnt want to be close to my nephew who has a cold, since her boyfriend has a heart problem and if she carries the infection back to him he might get seriously ill. I have never dealt with this sort of considerations. Yet.
I have dealt with "No cant get sick now must work" or "No cant come to your house when you have a bit of a cold cause I dont want to get sick since then I cant work" or "I understand if you dont want to come over now that Im a bit sickish, lets hang out next week instead..."
Whats the difference?
The potential consequences (missing deadline vs. heart failure) ?

But its also that in the latter case I somehow see the sickness as an anomaly - isolate the sick, go on with your life without disturbing routines and plans (Yes I know how it sounds but I think Im not alone to reason like this consciously or not). In the first case, that with my mother, the awareness of the risks of contagiation emphasises the total difference and creates connection points between the reality of thes two relations. This awareness is intrinsic to the routines, this IS the routine, navigating a 5-year old with a runny nose and a 75-year old with a shaky heart.
Perhaps, as they talk of multiresistant bacterias and pandemias, it was more my mothers casual remark about how she was planning her weekend that made it real how illness, and navigating to survive, or for the survival of the ones that you love, can rupture the routines and throw out any plan, at any moment.

at the office, with a cold coffee and sun reflections on the building opposite


Market/Supermarket - Black and white/ stuff that relates to my work

Virgil Cane 
(Liljevalchs 2013)

Peter Funch
(Market 2013 - WE gallery)

And for the sake of my memory - 
Massimo Vitali who sort of fits in here with his disco series:

Massimo Vitali

Market/Supermarket - MINIMAL POP

Actually it was one of the artists of the IS gallery that called it "Minimal Pop" - and I think it sort of works.

 Magnus Svensson 
(Liljevalchs 2013) Im so sorry for the bad quality of the photograph, I really think this is quite an amazing picture...

Ninna Helena Olsen
(Liljevalchs 2013)

I feel like I might get lynched for so carelessly throwing in such a might name in this blogpost....
Olafur Eliasson 

Dana Bubacova
(Supermarket 2013)

The IS gallery from the Netherlands -(Supermarket 2013)

Market/Supermarket/ - Empty spaces and institutions

Images of empty spaces/ Institutions
To all the artists who's work Im showing below - Im sorry about the bad quality of the photos (on thing HTC didnt do as good as I-ph) and I am sorry about the horrifying colourmatch with the background, Ill fix this latter problem at some point. 


Emma Fredriksson (Liljevalchs 2013)

James Copeland (Liljevalchs 2013)

  Pauliina Pietila (Market 2013)

Trine Sondergard (Market 2013)

See what I mean?
If letting myself be inspired by a show at Global Talks,   then the question becomes: What is the underlying current on a larger scale resulting in the individual artists work? What is the  background to the viewers fascination (including myself - I used to draw on this theme a couple of years ago). 
My Detroit friend complains about  ruintourism and ruin porn, the sensational exploitation of the dereliction and poverty. Is this about the same thing? 

What are the association to these spaces? 
On one hand -  a backside to the sparkly facade of the contemporary society; the loading deck, the office, spaces related to working, rather than consuming. In neither of the cases it is a question of  flexible, high-status work but rather the opposite , the body work, o r the mindnumbing environment of a office-scape. 
On another hand -  the scrutiny of the spaces in which we live our lives... finding the uncanny; that these places turn foreign and cold when we are not there to fill them, or they turn us to the perfect inhabitants of such a place - cold, foreign, distanciated...
On yet another hand (...) perhaps there is simply someting incredibly evocative about these spaces. 
 I think so - I prefer most buildings empty (offices, library, public pools)....

Hmm. Dont really feel satisfied - please come with thoughts and inspiration :-) 

Stockholm 13-03-04
With a whisky in the studio listening to reggae with a purple light over my head